It's Good To Be A Guy...

2002 was been an odd year...great financially, not so great in pretty much every other way: I had a cancer scare; got my thyroid removed; found out that one of my friends isn't who I thought she was; both of my parents are probably getting divorces from their respective spouses (spice?); one of my grandmothers died; etc.

I figured that I hadn't taken a real non-friend, non-family vacation since 1991 and I was way overdue. I didn't want to have to be the dutiful grandson and help with the dishes or sleep on the couch, I wanted to be pampered and have my most difficult decision for the day be, "Should I go snorkeling or kayaking." There was one obvious solution to this.

Club Med.

I went to their website, and found out that they had a deal for one week in Cancun for under $1,000 including airfare.


While my favorite styles of dancing are East-coast swing and Lindy, I also love club dancing. And there's dancing every night at Club Med. And various types of dance lessons taught by a great dance teacher who even some of the straight women were describing as "serious eye candy." Saundra also is a total sweetheart. She however had never tried Lindy.

Until I showed her a little bit.

One of the other G.O.'s (hosts) was a wonderful woman named Jenny and was a good club dancer, but had never done any ballroom.

I taught her Hustle.

There was also the foam party, but I'm going to take "The Fifth" on that.

Then of course, there was Nadia from Montreal. Ah, Nadia. I don't know what the deal is, but the Canadian women I meet are all gorgeous and fun. I met Nadia on my last full day and we hit it off and had a great time hanging out. We met at the dance and she looked simply stunning. It also turned out that Nadia was a phenomenal Salsa dancer. Now Salsa is one of my weaker ballroom dances and Nadia was a club-style Salsa dancer (far less formal than ballroom Salsa), but I was still able to dance well with her.

The next day I was taking the shuttle back to the airport and talking to a couple of guys I didn't know, when one of them asked me a question:

"Wait a second! Aren't you the guy who was dancing with the gorgeous woman in the tight black dress and four-inch spike heels?"
"You guys were great! You two looked so good together!"

It is SO good to be a guy.